Time-tested techniques to safely grow and preserve your wealth
the same way the richest families in the world do.

If you study the portfolios of the ultra-wealthy, you will see that the role of life insurance is far more than risk mitigation. Life insurance designed properly can function as an investment with double-digit annual growth that simultaneously provides asset protection, estate planning, tax mitigation and retirement income.

We encourage you to explore the two concepts featured on the webinars on this page: Wealth Formula Banking and Velocity Plus.

In addition, one of our founders, Buck Joffrey, MD created an entire personal finance course a few years ago which was sold for $2000. It’s called Your Roadmap to Real Wealth and is jam-packed full of experts in all relevant areas of personal finance. You can sign up for this course for FREE!


Invest Your Money in Two Places at the Same Time and Amplify Your Returns.


Make up for lost time and leave a legacy.


Wealth Formula Banking is ideally suited for cash flow investors looking to amplify their returns. The concept uses a specially designed overfunded whole life insurance design that essentially allows the same money to be invested in two places at the same time by allowing the individual to act as his or her own bank.

Variations of Wealth Formula Banking have been used for years and utilize some of the oldest and most financially secure insurance companies in the world that have withstood all financial conditions since the Civil War including the Great Depression, hyperinflation of the 1980s, and the financial meltdown of 2008.

Wealth Formula Banking optimizes an old strategy that the wealthiest families in the world have used to grow and maintain their wealth and provide a legacy to their heirs.

Watch our webinar on Wealth Formula Banking or contact us to learn more!


The Wealth Accelerator concept is adapted from traditional premium finance indexed universal life policies that have been used by the ultra-wealthy to not only safely grow their wealth rapidly to enjoy during retirement, but also to leave an enduring legacy for their families. 

The Wealth Accelerator utilizes a method by which individuals are able to participate in the growth of the stock market but not participate in years in which they lose money. It does so by utilizing an ingenious options strategy. Furthermore, bank leverage is used to leverage up the gains of the market. 

This strategy has been used for years by the rich as a Life Insurance Retirement Plan (LIRP). It may be of particular value to those high-income earners who have started their retirement planning later in their careers and are looking for something to accelerate their progress. 


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